Friday, March 14, 2014

Arena of Khaboom - Sponsors Needed

There will be 72 available opponents for this solo (I have written the combat sections for 22 so far as well as pretty much all the background text).

I like the idea of each opponent having a Trollhalla sponsor (no money is required for this!).

Here is my list so far - any other suggestions? (ignore the numbers)

  1. Tzhett  89878
  2. Yorrdamma Vrash      70888
  3. Khaghbboommm        69690
  4. Vella    64550
  5. Marrkh Guh    62405
  6. Charrl Flemmning       62369
  7. Starff Orenggk            58322
  8. Vhennrronnn   56777
  9. Uncle Cranky  56685
  10. Naharaht
  11. Jherrrii 4999
  12. Drreww           4921
  13. Ealnaatha Vaelmarrri  4548
  14. G'noll  4298
  15. Dekhurrrsio     4253
  16. Sligo   
  17. M'oskqorrg      3397
  18. Quoghmyre     233
  19. Trrrommm       197
  20. Grrraall            178
  21. Mahrundl        173
  22. Khenn Arrth    163
  23. Khayd'haik      300
  24. Anen Kram     155
  25. Perrryton         137
  26. Darrgh Tarrrho            136     
  27. Corencio         
  28. Kopfy  280
  29. Branderwydd 
  30. Simrion            188
  31. Drreww           212
  32. Mist-Tikk Foo-all        146
  33. Trrebmahl
  34. Ramsen Triton
  35. Cram
  36. Rrrhommbus
  37. Perrryton
  38. Galadrion
  39. Starrtrroll
  40. Krotaajj
  41. Grumlahk
  42. Garlahk
  43. Deviadasi
  44. Middleclaw
  45. Kroommmp
  46. Toad-Killer Dog
  47. Boggwoppit
  48. Fahrr Lhrggz
  49. Zanshin
  50. Korrraq
  51. Werrrdna
  52. Taran Dracon
  53. Mhegrrrim Skulltosser
  54. Seleuki
  55. Gaptooth
  56. Geoffreh
  57. Benbonewilly
  58. Gorg Wa
  59. Slloyd
  60. Peer Balefire
  61. Ayrik Racer
  62. Lix Oakheart


  1. I ignored the numbers. Now I don't know what to do!

  2. Mark, tell your blog that I'm not a robot. It never seems to learn.

  3. im interested in the trollhalla


  4. Well you're both in as sponsors - what sort of thing do you want to sponsor? I have told the robot but it tried to exterminate me.

    I hope Mater Bob finds Trollhalla and applies for membership!
