Tuesday, October 6, 2015

dT&T - I think my hardbook copy is in the mail!

It's like being a kid again, waiting for the mailman to show up!

DT&T Release Party at Game Depot

I had 3 pieces. One of them was small. :-).
We sold about 40 copies of the paperback edition. This one:

Flying Buffalo had a table set up to sell books and give autographs. The entire Fellowship of the Troll was here, but Bear and I were out running games. Visible: Rick Loomis, Liz Danforth, and Steve Crompton.
We ran 3 games of T & T. Bear Peters is probably the best T & T GM in Arizona–I might have said the world, but I have gamed with a few really awesome people who can give him a run for his money–Thessaly Chance for one, Mark Thornton for another. (And I’m not bad (grin)). Everyone seemed to have a great time.

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